Monday, February 25, 2008


Okay, I'm sorry but we all know dogs can be a huge pain in the neck. Sure, every once in a while you get the super dog like my friend Lisa's dog Max. Max let's himself out. He's never annoying, I don't think he sheds and I have never heard him bark. He is the exception to the rule. Most dogs track dirt, shed, get in the trash, make to much noise, and as lovable as they can be are generally just one more thing to take care of. My own dogs Lucy and Mickey are extraordinarily annoying. I love them to death, I do, but God they get on my nerves. They follow me around like I'm the Pied Piper, Lucy is constantly rooting through the trash and Mickey, even though he is like four doesn't quite understand that the only acceptable place to pee is outside. I adore them but I do not want anymore dogs. I love other people's dogs too. I do. I am a dog person. I'd rather hold your puppy than your baby any day of the week. No more for me though. So, when someone I know get's a puppy I think it's so cute and I want to hold it, but deep inside I just feel sorry for them. Recently very good friends of ours got a puppy. This was surprising to begin with because my friend is afraid of dogs, afraid of cats, afraid of all animals. Her husband is funny and nice but doesn't have a ton of patience. He is a short fuse. In a very funny way. So they get this puppy and of course like all puppys its a hassle. All the ordinary puppy stuff, and in the middle of winter, which anyone who has a puppy knows is the worst time to get one. You stand outside, it's freezing, the dog doesn't go and you go inside and then they decide to poop. So of course this exact thing happens to them. She comes back inside with the puppy he makes a beeline for the room he is not allowed in and starts to poop. He(the husband) runs over, ranting and raving, takes the dog outside, freaking out. Meanwhile, she (wife) cleans up said poop. Trys to get things back to normal. So they all come in, put puppy in his nice little house. Sit down, try to relax. He (husband) picks up his remote because he just wants to chill out. He goes to change the channel and puts his finger right in a big droplet of poop. Whoops, she missed a spot.


Brother Chris said...


I lent you a book called "Merle's Door". Methinks you've not read it lo these many months. While I know from whence you speak I can regretfully not agree. Dogs, to me, are the purest form of honesty and unconditional love walking the planet. There is not much a dog could do (other than a complete mauling) which would make me want to live without them. Tell your friend the next time he sticks his finger in some poop he should give it a good whiff and rejoice!!!

Amy said...

I knew this would bug some people. We have had bad weather which means Lucy doesn't get enough exercise which means she drives me crazy. You know I love them. Hey, Happy Birthday!!! Love you

Brother Chris said...

I love being "some people".

Sarah said...

I hear ya sister, damn snow, damn cold, damn barking, damn dogs.