Sunday, November 30, 2008

Useless and Self Serving

These were the words someone used to describe non business or work related blogs. Huh. Really? Useless? Maybe to the author of that statement, but you know what I'm thinking? Hey, here's a thought, don't click on. It's so easy. It's like when Howard Stern was on regular radio and people would complain about him. Don't turn that channel on. It's such a simple concept. I guess in the same respect everyone has the right to their opinion, even when they say it in a way to put someone else down. I remember that from grade school. Kids are mean. But it's cool, cause it only made me laugh. It gave me a big old giggle. Then after I giggled I had to of course call my girls and discuss. We like to share every inane thought that crosses our minds. I own it. I love my friends. I love to hear them laugh, I'll listen to them cry. When they say jump (although they never do, but if they did) I'd turn on Patience and start doing push ups. No! I'd jump, not off a cliff (unless it was Rick's Cafe, I'll do that any day of the week) or you know, out of a plane. I'd jump then. But you know that.
Reel it back in! What's my point? I think tonight, as we are winding down Thanksgiving weekend. Apparently the most traveled weekend of the year. Traveling for what? To see people, people you love. Why? Because there is a connection. People inherently want to be connected. To belong. To feel loved. So, if it's by flying across the country to see family, or meeting someone for lunch, or sending a letter, or poking someone on facebook, or reminding them, they're pretty (cause they are) or writing a blog and having your friends join in and connect that way, I say, be thankful. Don't hate. Love. It's so much easier.
Peace out.


Lula! said...

One of my favorite songs by the group Addison Road (they are Christian but not in an annoying way, trust know I'm not listening to crappy music!) is called "Always Love." And my favorite lyric is, "Always love...hate will get you everytime...always love...even when you want to fight."

SO PROFOUND. And so true.

And you have now just inspired a blog post for me, Amy. Thanks. I'll totally give you a shout-out on it, too.

Simple Answer said...

Whoever wrote that must have started a blog and never gotten any comments. Alright, that was just mean, but perhaps a bit true?

LOVE the music! I have the black one in my computer and I listen to it every AM when I am getting ready. Just the right mix of mellow (I require LOTS of coffee to get going) and upbeat (to add to the coffee!)

Anonymous said...

My name is Kathy and I am a "useless and self serving" blog addict. To you Amy, my main supplier, I thank you. And to all of the other blogs I have found through you, I thank them too. I would be "jonesn'" without you.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, right? I've made some amazing new friends, and reconnected to some old ones through blogging, so if that's self serving and useless, SO BE IT. :)

Sue Jacquette said...

Useless and Self Serving? Well, I think it's actually a way to reach out and keep in contact with loved ones and friends in a way we can't in our busy lives. This world can be really lonely sometimes and it's all we can do to make sure we stay connected. I love you and your very important blog, honey!

Anonymous said...

I am totally on a quest for word yahtzee now! At the risk of using your blog as a search-engine forum, let me know if anyone knows where to find it!
Now, it's not so self-serving, huh, is it?? You are providing a service my friend, and not one of the 'free cable and vodka' variety...:)

Anonymous said...

wait... what did i miss?

Amy said...

How I love you, let me count the ways....
Lula- totally looking up that song. That is the best lyric I have heard in a long time. Thank you!!!
SA- I loved that slightly snarky comment. Just loved it. And I'm glad you like the music....
Kathy- You keep me going. I do think of you and your dead animals in wagons on the grill and it gives me a chuckle.
Christy, Right? Duh.
Sue- You're so pretty. Nuff said.
Ah Anonymous, I am going to find that game for you and then KICk your ass at it! It's not just Boggle anymore my friend. I love you.
Christina- I'll fill you in....

Mark said...

Narrow minds produce narrow opinions. As simple as that.