Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Owl And the Pussycat, I Mean Duck. Or Whatever

Saige and I saw an owl today. I believe all bird of prey sightings are auspicious. I could ramble on and on about the moments in my life that an eagle has flown over me. Hawks are rather common around us. When my little Pomeranian (alien) was a puppy they used to circle him while my two German Shepherds would run around barking and going ballistic. So I don't take every hawk sighting as a sign, it's just a not so gentle reminder that sweet little bunnies and small fluffy aliens should probably beware. Perhaps I should take them a little more seriously...

Owls aren't as easy to come by. They are night creatures so to see them during the day is special in it's own right. Saige and I were driving to pick up her friend. All of the sudden she said very excitedly, "There's an owl on that dress!" I turned and saw one of those big metal towers that did actually look like a dress and right on one of the bars was a beautiful white headed owl with the lightest brown wings. It was so cool. I did a very quick, very illegal turn and tossed Saige my camera. She ran out in the freezing cold in a short sleeve shirt and these weird fluffy moccasins she wears and went to take it's picture. She moved a little to fast and it flew away. Although we were a little bummed it was beautiful to watch.

There are many thoughts on owl sightings. It is said that an owl sighting is like a gift being given to you. It is said that you can only come across animals with the same energy as you in that moment so the timing of seeing one of these birds means something special. Owls also show themselves at as a sign of warning. They are very perceptive and are a reminder for you to be aware too. To be conscious of the people around you. To remember that not everyone is what you think they are. To be careful.

I was the most trusting of people. This past year as given me a whole new perception of human nature. This Monday night was the light switch for me. It was the day I realized that some people are just out for themselves. I had seen it coming but kept pushing it off. I didn't listen to my friends and family or myself for that matter. I believed and trusted in the good I felt must be deep down. It was sad letting that go for good. It was sad realizing that there was no turning back. Some things can't be undone.
So seeing that owl, and especially having my very wise Saige be the one to point it out meant a lot to me. Especially this week, in this time of my life.
To me it is like the quote at the top of my blog. "There are two people inside of me- me and my intuition. If I go against her, she'll screw me every time, if I follow her, we get along quite nicely." -Kim Basinger
Listen to your intuition.
You always know.
If it look likes a duck, and smells like a duck, it must be a duck.
It's certainly not an owl.

Owls are special. Ducks, not so much.


Billy said...

You know some idiot is gonna say it, so it may as well be me. Ready? Are you sure? Okay...

This blog post is a real hoot.

What the? said...

Do we need to talk more about big metal things that look like dresses and how that was completely understood between you and Saige without question?

What the? said...

Do we need to talk more about big metal things that look like dresses and how that was completely understood between you and Saige without question?

Redundant Agency of Redundancies said...

Just making sure.

The Micker said...

Hawks are lower on the food chain than aliens. I'm not scared.

The Voices Inside Your Head said...

You should always listen to us! Why do you think we are always screaming at you?

Pete Yorn said...

Kim Basinger was hot in 9-1/2 Weeks.

Sneezy said...

Would your dogs howl or growl at an owl?

President of the Society for Fair Treatment of Ducks said...

Duck you!

Amy said...

You are so pretty. And I love how you think. This is the best blog. You are crazy (the cool kind).

And that Billy sure is awesome.

sima said...

I just learned the same lesson... love to you.

Sue Jacquette said...

Oh honey, I guess me telling you over and over is not enough of a sign, you needed an owl. whatever it takes, bitch!

Kathy said...

Owls are wise and soar with a noble purpose in the sky.

Ducks have a wet a$$.

(Sorry, I have not been around lately. I'll try better. Still need to see the pink tree :)

Lora said...

I believe in all of this. There aren't too many owls for reals in the city, so I find them in art and sculpture and stuff and take pictures of them with my camera phone and slap them on the internet so everyone gets a piece of my sighting.

We are so normal and sane its sickening.