Friday, April 10, 2009

A Joke and Some Blackmail

Someone posted this on another site and it made me laugh.

Girlfriend Booby Traps Bedroom Floor - Watch more Funny Videos

And then there is the blackmail. It went something like this...
"Did you read my blog post about Jesus?" I asked through a txt.
"No. I'm boycotting your blog until you post the link I sent you." txted my loving brother.

Please Vote. I'm not allowed to say which photograph is his, but it's on there.


Kathy said...

Vote Cast

Christy said...

That video is C-R-A-Z-Y! I'm going to vote now...

:) Miss ya!

Sue Jacquette said...

I voted. And I laughed my rear off at that video. Really, coffee went flying out of my nose. Thanks!

Lula! said...

I love the end..."VICTORY!"

Plus, all that rolling around on the floor, moaning "WTF?!?" and writing in pain? BRILLIANT.

Mark said...

Am I the only one who watched that video and thought, "Damn, that guy is HOT!" Maybe I'm a pig, but aren't all men?

I actually sent that text just to get a retaliatory one that cannot be spelled out here, but I'm appreciate you posting the link to the photoblog. If any of your readers want to pass along the link to their friends, that would be very much appreciated.