How do you measure a year in a life? Did you see Rent? I love this song. I think it is so thought provoking. How do you measure time? In the rise and descent of the sun? By the new season of Lost? The bringing out and putting away of your Christmas decorations? There are a million and three ways to measure time. It seems to slip by. Snake it's way so quickly that it's hard to remember how you got from here to there.
My daughter, my baby, my first born, is going to be eleven in nine days. The thought is insane to me. How on earth could she be eleven? Honestly, I don't get it. Where does it go?
I don't notice it on a daily basis. I guess life is just to busy. Things move so fast. What was normal a month ago is like a different lifetime. It's cold outside now. I remember wearing flip flops. There is still a raft outside next to the pool that was covered in snow two days ago. The days are so short. I remember looking at the clock at 8.30 and it still looked like daytime. It goes by at a speed faster than sound to me. It changes an morphs things and people at a pace so slow you don't see it happening but so fast you can't believe you missed it.
There is one person in particular that makes me notice the passage of time more than anyone. I think it's because I don't see her on a daily basis. I have known her since she was a tiny baby. She and Saige sat in their car seats next to each other while her mother and I tried to figure out how we were mom's. I have known her mom since I was in first grade. Now she is my daughters oldest and best friend. Mackenzie. I love her like she was my own. She and her sisters and her mom came over last night and I almost fell over. She is almost as tall as me. I remember her at every age, but specifically at 18 months peering in my fridge pointing out grapes. Now she is in 5th grade, has a boyfriend and wears her moms shoes.
So we are at T minus 9 and counting to the end of my daughters first decade.
Where does the time go?
Reminds me of another song I love...."Sunrise, Sunset" - Fiddler on the Roof.
Yes, count me in on the film.
From the mother of a soon to be 11 year old....who happens to have an 11 year old bff I've known since infancy I totally get what you are saying. WOW. Time? Where does it go??
You're singing my song, sister. As my sweet little Jade asks for Jacob Black for Christmas this year, I look back at Christmases past and miss my little baby.
525 thousand 600 minutes but I guess thats the long way to count.I cant believe my baby girl is going to be 11.I can remember the day I found out she was on the way like it yesterday.Thank you Amy!My children are the most wonderful gift anyone could give.
This is so random cuz I just read your post about filming and the t-shirt and this post popped up.
Love that song.
Time does just go by in a blur. Need to go hug my own baby now.
I know you blame me for this, but I must remind you, you grew up too.
Love, Mom
I will now be singing for the rest of the night...
"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes..."
I love Rent.
And why does time fly the older we get?
i don't know. i try not to think about this too much or it screws with my mental faculties.
it's such a mystery to me how they are growing so much and yet we never seem to age. hmmmm...
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