Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thirty Nine?

Forty eight hours can seem a lot longer at times. Don't you think? Sometime, so much goes on that when it's finally Sunday night and you're sitting down for the first time you can't believe it's only been two days.

There is a question that came to mind quite a few times this weekend.
What does it mean to be 39?

Thirty Nine. Why is that number so important? Why is any number important? You could be twenty two and angry and mean and unhealthy. Is that better than being a thirty nine, just because it's twenty two? Is it because it seems thirty nine leads into forty which could possibly be half your life? What the hell is it with this age? Or is it forty that's the bad one? I can never remember. I have to tell you, I was kind of an idiot in my twenties. Well, for a lot of them. I think at least. A lot of it is very foggy. I know for a fact I was much more insecure. I was definitely more scared of things. I didn't know myself nearly as well. Yes, my skin might have been a little tighter. My worries weren't nearly as strong but I'm stronger now mentally and physically than I ever was then. I think that has something to do with years passing and being aware that years are passing. Trying to be smarter. Smarter in '09 right Asude? In your twenties you can be lazy, things seem easier. But good is never easy right? If it's worth having, it's worth working for. I mean if you're Albert Einstein or that model Gisele, perhaps it is easy. For people not given specific overwhelming genetic gifts, we need to work a little harder. That's okay. Right? Right Twist?

I think the twenties are totally overrated (that is coming from a thirty nine year old). I think forty is where it's at now. I'm going to tell you why.

Ashley's thirty nine and I'm pretty sure she got grounded last night. It was kinda scary. Grandma Vicki was seriously pissed off. She even went so far as to leave a message on my answering machine because Ashley wouldn't answer her cell phone. You know why she wouldn't answer? Um, it was Saturday night and we were partying with our best friend forever's (who lives in Florida) brother. We hadn't seen him in a long time. He was playing the juke box for us, from Roxy Music to Nine Inch Nails. It was a whole lotta fun. Ashley, in her advanced thirty nine years decided to turn off her cell phone and be present in the here and now, oh, and the Yueng Ling. Is that how you spell it? So sue her. But please, don't call me. I had to go home to sleep, cause I'm thirty nine and today I ran a 5k with 1500 people and came in 84th. 3rd for my age group. 12th in the women. 7 of those were in their twenties. Maybe the twenties are better. Not. Almost forty is where it's at. :)
This is for you Heather. This was all I had kinda fit to print. Feel better.


Anonymous said...

congratulations on your run!

Amy said...

Thank you Kathy. I have to tell you a really cool story about one of your previous comments. Remind me when I see you. xoxo

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I am now starting to run. And I didn't think I'd like it, but it is addicting.

Sue Jacquette said...

You know, Amy, I'm not 39 yet, but I sure can't wait to get there. You make it sound so great!

Anonymous said...

I think I might ask tomorrow if I'm allowed out Sunday. We'll see if I'm still grounded. I'm not allowed to watch Sponge Bob, roller skate or talk on the cell phone. I am txting, she doesn't know what that is. Yeah, 39 is great...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the run! I'm loving my 30's. LOVING them. NOT loving the weird red, blood-colored mole that popped up on my face Saturday, but ROCKIN the 30's none the less. Face mole and all.

Lula! said...

You ROCK!!!! I cannot believe you ran in a marathon...and came in 3rd for your group?

Seriously, I want to be like you when I grow up.

And besides...39 is the new 21. Didn't you know that?

Simple Answer said...

39? I turn 39 in about 2 weeks. I now find myself thinking in terms of "before I'm 40." Like, "I've seen the pyramids before I turned 40." Don't think running a 5k will make that statement. My 30 minutes on the treadmill are slow, painful, and dreaded.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post A$! Congrats on the race. I will be 35 in a week and my thoughts are still of those of a kid most times even though my body has yet to figure out how to defy gravity...

Andy said...

I hope 40 is half. I'll be happy if it ends up being two thirds.