So we were going down to the shore this weekend to hang with Marc's cousin, Bryna and her husband Eric...
We found out that Saige got invited to go to a weekend birthday party at the shore too, so we asked if Chase could bring a Ethan
Ethan was of course psyched to go. We just forgot to mention one tiny little detail. In addition to the fun filled weekend at the beach, on the boat, having fun, playing in the sand we were also going to the cemetary (Shh... it's a surprise). Ethan's mom, Lisa had me doubled over in laughter Friday night about this. She said, "You know, the old bait and switch. Hey Ethan, let's go to the beach and (in a whisper) an unveiling." She said, "Don't forget to pack some black clothes Ethan, oh never mind why, just do it,"
This became our joke of the weekend, "the surprise." So anytime it looked like he was remotely having fun I would take pictures. First they went on the boat with Eric and Marc's Uncle Michael and Aunt Susan. Then to the beach, out to dinner, playing, roasting marshmellows. FUN FILLED (Shhh... don't tell, don't want to ruin the surprise.)
There are many more "having fun" pictures, but you get the idea. The funny thing is Ethan is an extremely easy going kid and really doesn't care what we're doing. Chase did tell him what was going on and he was fine with it. The whole thing lasted five minutes. It's a good thing he's Jewish because we made him read the prayer in Hebrew. He was a little nervous at first, but he did great. No, of course we didn't, that would have been crossing the line.
We topped off the weekend with a trip to The Cheesecake Factory. All good. He can't wait until the next time we invite him. Who know's what we'll have in store for him.Maybe find some inmates to visit in prison, or perhaps a cremation.
you people are sick.... I love it
Ethan is so oblivious to things going on around him, he didn't even mention the unveiling to me. He only remembers the last thing that happens in a day. Fortunately yesterday it was the ice cream at cheesecake factory. Usually it's my mean voice telling him to shut up and go to sleep-
Hahaha!!! We had such a great weekend. Can't wait for you guys to come again...
xoxoxo, bryna
I swear that was the funniest damn thing I have read in a while. I forgot to mention that to Lisa last night after I picked Ethan up. He NEVER mentioned the whole 'surprise' thing once. Talked about dinner, some car they saw, the boat ride, not ONCE did I hear, "by the way dad we went to a cemetary with Marc's family" He did come home and cry that he wasn't going to have a birthday party this year because the whole family is going to be in "stupid Italy" Poor little Ethan. If there is a second chance after my first life is over I am coming back as Chase or Ethan. The 2 of them together kill me. I am telling you reality show all over them, to finally end when they take over the car business from dear old dad, the 2 of them as grown men running around the sales floor shooting paint balls at each other.
So sorry to hear about Mom-Mom. It looks like you all had a beautiful weekend even with the little sidetrip you dragged the poor boy to!
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