Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh Kirsten, What Would Googi do?

It's late right? You're finally sitting down after a long day dealing with the money pit. You miss me. You're expecting a lot out of me. I'm fearful my last post won't be up to snuff. It's not funny. You thought I was going to reveal lots of my quirky, annoying, pesky habits, right? Not so much. Cause I'm totally normal, girl. You of all people should know that. I'm not picky about food. I don't space out when the slightest bit bored. I don't refuse to practice if I don't like the music. There is nothing bizarre or irritating about me at all. I will drive OR be cheese bitch. I will teach or be taught. I will drink coffee or tea, okay that's a lie, I'm straight up coffee it's just I like things in three's. I had no choice.
So after we spoke I thought to myself, "What would Manorama think of Kirstens predicament?" Would she have any words of wisdom for her? Would a shamanic healer be her answer? It would be Googi's, that I am sure of. If not that, perhaps when Lisa gets back from Italy we could all come over and have a seance, we could go buy a Ouija (that kind of sounds like Googi, I think I might be on to something) board and ask it to make the stupid workman and lame ass painters and unfit contractors to never darken your doorstep again. While we're at it we could ask if it could possibly see it's way clear to make us do flawless jump backs, have our feet touch our head in scorpion and may all our splits be perfect. Can Ouija or Googi grant those, or do we need a genie for that? If so, maybe that's what we should get..... Just throwing it out there.
Om Na Toys'r'us ~Fairy Godmother


Laurie of the Seven Stories said...

Wait, Amy, now I feel stupid. Am not so sure what's going on in this post-but maybe that is how it is supposed to be. I do like ouija though, and that game we used to play at sleepovers, you are as light as a feather, as stiff as a board...
Mrs. Flinger by the way is a funny mom blogger from alltop. You can click on her name on my blogroll to see her site.
Twitter is like text messaging, only on the computer, and you can text one person, tell everyone what your doing, or just post updates about what you are doing. You can have a conversation with one person on twitter. It's kind of hard to describe, but what I would suggest is jumping on, click on my follow me on twitter button, and giving it a try.
Only two weeks ago, I had no idea how to navigate it, now it seems I can't stop.

Anonymous said...

You had me at Googi...and I have to laugh quietly because I have wee ones sleeping, so it was like 3 minutes until my eyes stopped tearing enough to read. Thank you, oh fabulous Cheese Bitch/Fairy Godmother, for the night caps of funny with a twist of crazy. And for so much more! Love you to pieces. Googi, googi, goo...

Sarah said...

Googi,Manorama,Om Na... Are you speaking in yoga-nese now?